Saturday, November 5, 2011

Here goes nothin' ...

My life is not so balanced these days. There, I said it. Okay, I blogged it, but whatever. The secret is out. I, Denna L. Day, am not keeping up with all the things on my to-do lists. Yes, plural - the lists are aplenty. Case in point - I've been meaning to start this blog for months. As I write this, our house is a disaster. Toys everywhere. Dishes in the sink. I think a cat just threw up on the rug. Instead of cleaning up (I will get that cat mess before I go to bed!), I'm letting it go. I can do it. It's a new me.

Here's the deal: I'm a wife, a Mom, a career woman and a (wannabe) entrepreneur. I can't do it all and do it all perfectly. At some point in my life I thought I could. Then, one day, it must have been recently, maybe after baby #2, I realized that I can't. And I don't think I want to. 

Here's the plan: I'm "giving up" my career. I'm going to spend more time with my kids. I'm going to spend less time worrying. (I started to type what I'm going to stop worrying about, but that's it - I'm going to worry less. Period.) .

So, this blog is about my journey. If no one else ever reads it (Hi, Honey! I know you will read this), then it will be more like a diary. One that the whole freakin' world can see, but still. If someone does read it, then I hope it helps them be a little more okay with their UnPerfect Balance.

More another day. I've got a cat to give the evil eye to and a whole list of to-dos to ignore.